Reasons to avoid an online will

5 years ago

It is easier than ever before to create a will. At least, that is what some businesses want you to…

How should construction contracts deal with payment?

5 years ago

Before any service is provided in return for payment, a contract should be put into place. Contracts are made for…

Contract terms for real estate purchases can be complex

5 years ago

When it is time for you to purchase real estate, your top priority is to make sure that you are…

Florida land disputes are often complicated

5 years ago

Land disputes are one of many types of real estate matters that often lead to individuals having to resolve their…

Woman loses $562,000 in Florida real estate scheme

5 years ago

A former Florida real estate broker has been sentenced to nearly six years in federal prison for his involvement in…

Contesting a will in Florida

5 years ago

People have the ability and right to designate the distribution of their assets. However, sometimes, outside forces influence those decisions.…

How are trusts disputed in court?

5 years ago

Trusts are a great way to avoid a lot of trouble with bequests while giving the highest possible value to…

Buying your first commercial property in Florida

5 years ago

Commercial real estate is a very common choice for investors. Many people get a buzz from finding a property that…

Know contract terms so you are aware of how breaches are handled

5 years ago

Breach of contract is a serious legal matter because contracts are meant to be followed. When one party doesn’t follow…

How can I end the easement on my Florida property?

5 years ago

An easement is essentially a situation in which a nonowner of a property is granted use of it. Although legal,…