Melbourne Legal Blog

The lease is the primary document that defines the relationship between the property owner and lessor. It serves as the primary body of language for which either party can seek redress for harms. It is thus crucial that both parties understand what they are signing and how those terms operate. As discussed previously, even describing […]

Construction defect claims arise when a party purchases real property, such as a building, that contains inherit defects that undermine or invalidate the intended purpose for its use. If a construction defect arises, the buyer is permitted to pursue litigation against the general contractor, seller, and subcontractor responsible for the defect. A previous post discussed […]

You might hope that the transfer of real estate is a simple transaction, like fulfilling an eBay order or placing an order for pizza. But, unfortunately, it is not. The exchange of real estate is a complicated dance because of the issues inherent in transferring assets as complicated as real estate. This post will go […]

Prosecutors in Florida have secured a victory in a tax-scam case against a construction company. The two sides reached a settlement worth $5.2 million. In the case, five partners backed a firm that inflated tax credits by inflating the costs of projects. Those five partners were uncharged in the scam. The construction company, based in […]

If you have never been involved in litigation, then you may not know the best way to go about hiring a competent attorney who is experienced in your particular issues. You likely see numerous T.V., bus, and billboard ads for a variety of attorneys who promise you’ll pay “cents on the dollar” or open with […]

We live in an era in which entrepreneurial insight and technology are ever-evolving. As a result, companies rush to be the first to introduce their products to the market and more employees are coming into trade secrets than ever before. Because of this, more and more employers are asking their employees to sign non-competition agreements […]

When you are buying a home, there are a lot of mandatory expenses. A home inspection is not required for the sale to go through, so you might think you can just skip over it. Consider the cost of a home inspection, the time involved and the information you learn. The master bedroom might be […]

Real estate and commercial property contracts involve both private and public interests. This post will discuss the differences in the bidding process between a public and private contract. If you are a contractor that operates primarily with private companies and you are considering a bid for a government contract, you will want to modify your […]

When you die, what happens to your social media accounts? Are they deactivated? Are they turned into “memorials?” Are they turned over to your family? The answer is, yes. Due to inconsistent policies, some of your social media accounts might be deactivated, others may be turned over to family, and some may be indexed and […]

Zoning rules are among the most influential ways that government influences business, everyday life, and the economy. Zoning rules organize how a city is developed, to ensure that residences are not built next to factories or waste disposal sites. The goal of zoning rules is to create an orderly division of property parcels to maximize […]


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