Florida couple aim to shoot down a rifle range

A couple that built an idyllic life for themselves on 80 acres of land is now suing their new neighbors to try to stop a shooting range from finishing construction next door.

According to the couple, they aren’t against a gun range in general — they’re only against it being so close to their farm. They contend that experts they brought in for consultation tell them that the lead from the pellet guns will eventually contaminate both the farm’s land and well water. That will eventually damage the crops and other vegetation on the land and hurt the livestock.

In addition, the couple is afraid for their safety — and the safety of their grandchildren and other relatives as they ride horses and go about the farm while the range is active. They say that the barriers the rifle range’s owners have put up aren’t nearly enough for security.

On the other hand, the rifle range’s owner says that he has plotted out the range with a great deal of care. His experts told him exactly where to angle everything so that it was safe. He also installed barriers that were at least five feet taller than he was legally required to install to protect the neighbors from bullets.

It’s a standoff that both sides have a lot invested in and neither is willing to budge. The couple says that their right to enjoy the use of their property without restriction or intrusion should count for as much as the rifle range owner’s right to bear arms.

Since talks between the neighbors failed to bring any resolution, this will now be a matter for the courts to decide. Issues like this are common in new construction — if not on this grand of a scale. It’s always wise to do a lot of background digging into an area and the attitude of the neighbors before investing heavily in any expensive land purchase and construction project — just in case the judge sides against you.

Source: Northwest Florida Daily News, “Holt couple sues to stop construction of shooting range,” Annie Blanks, March 23, 2018


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